Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The human brain (and the monkey)

The human brain is about three times as large as the brain of a chimpanzee. Much of the extra brain compared to monkeys is called the cerebral cortex and is brand new in the evolution of the species, especially the frontal lobes (above your eyes). This part is particularly associated with executive functions such as self-control, mindful reasoning, planning, and abstract thinking related to future vision (this is also greatly enlarged in humans)...When you get seriously stressed, science has discovered that this part of your brain tends to short-circuit. In other words your brain goes "monkey" and you cannot plan, reason or do time related things in a normal way. Therefore, stress is associated with many human ills. The next time your brain goes bananas, it is time for you to stop, before the monkey in you(r European, Asian or African ancestry) resurrects...

Your mind is kind of plastic!
                                                           Meditation soothes the monkey brain!

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