Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The dawn

There is always a new dawn - or is it dusk already? As days come and go, the sun sets later in your life. Sure, but do you take any notice? When did you last take a break to appreciate the simple fact you are alive and able to b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Looked at the sky in the morning, spent all day doing or worrying about nothing, and forgot all about time, and place before the next dawn arrived?

                                                       WHAT WONDER

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Aware-ness derives from being aware. It is another word for attentiveness or non-mindlessness. When we are be(com)ing aware - it is like the whole reality takes on a different color or tone. We may suddenly experience things the way they are - in stereo - instead of mono. We can listen to music, but hear different notes and sounds. We may see living images like they appear on film. We notice flowers emanating with scents, and trees whispering to the vibrations of the wind. Clouds suddenly wash the sky with anticipation, and the Sun keeps blessing the Earth with a warm, de-lightful radiance....                  



Wednesday, 2 October 2013

An apple a day...

You have probably heard about mindful living or that..."an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Indeed, apples are packed with all kinds of polyphenols that can bring down medical risks and insurance bills. It is very mindful just eating apples. Here is one for you - if you wanna take a bite, go ahead:

CC 2.0 Generic

Have you ever pondered this also has a way to take you away from firewalls, spyware and IT? That is quite mindful. Now, think on this: What if your mouth and stomach were always full of "mindfulness" juice, and you did not have to leave it on the desk unlike at the "doctors" where things tend to be kinda 1.0 generic.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Stress Signals - S(top)-H(ell)-I(n)-T(ime)

You are heading towards the traffic lights......... green light is on and you are racing ahead when suddenly in the middle of the crossing the lights turn from yellow to RED. Did you make it to the other side well before too late? Or did you just step on it and close your eyes? Of course this is an analogy of you driving your life, but if you try to retrace those tracks, there is probably a memory of somewhere going too fast. In other words we always notice those lights or signals on our way, but do we pay any attention? Talking about stress(ors) and speed you can only go so far, so fast, so long in life before you get there or you are gone. So, how did you manage the curves? And what about that vehicle (=body) you are in? Is it always hanging onto the phone, eating fast food while phantom driving? Do you ever check the engine or brakes? What if the traffic police show up and give you a fine or ask for your license? Did you notice an old lady got run down in the pedestrian as nobody stopped you! S-H-I-T

                                                                    GOT IT?
                                                   OR WILL IT GET TOO YOU?
                                  P:S:  GREEN = DE-STRESS          RED = RUN DOWN _BURN OUT